LAB 633 – Using an Exploit Framework for Web Application Scanning (NEW)

Course Overview

Web applications are often susceptible to vulnerabilities that can provide attackers with unauthorized access. Conducting penetration tests is crucial for identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Typically, these tests are performed using a variety of tools, including advanced exploitation frameworks.

This Skill Lab offers a practical learning environment equipped with an exploitation framework and a system with intentional vulnerabilities. It’s designed to train developers, cybersecurity experts, and IT personnel in conducting fundamental penetration testing tasks efficiently. Participants will gain hands-on experience using a popular penetration testing tool to scan a web application for known vulnerabilities within a web application.

Integrating the practice of using these tools for testing web applications is a vital component of the penetration testing process and should be a standard practice in the development lifecycle of every web application.

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Course Details

Course Number: LAB 633
Course Duration: 30 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.6

NICE Work Role Category

Available Languages

  • English