LAB 639 – Using an Exploit Framework via Command Line Interface (NEW)

Course Overview

Vulnerabilities in applications and systems can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access. Penetration testing helps identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before attackers discover and exploit them. Penetration testing is typically accomplished using various tools, including exploitation frameworks.

This Skill Lab provides a virtual environment that contains an exploitation framework and a vulnerable system for training developers, cybersecurity professionals, and IT staff to perform essential penetration testing tasks.

In this lab, the learner will receive hands-on experience using a popular penetration testing tool to attack a vulnerable application. Using tools to test applications is an essential task when performing penetration testing, which should be an activity integrated into the development lifecycle of every application and system.

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Course Details

Course Number: LAB 639
Course Duration: 15 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.3

NICE Work Role Category

Available Languages

  • English