LAB 329 – Defending Go Applications Against SSRF (NEW)

Course Overview

Server-side request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to Go applications, allowing attackers to manipulate the destination of web requests. In this lab, learners will gain practical experience identifying and mitigating SSRF vulnerabilities. The typical solution involves preventing users from manipulating request destinations, thus safeguarding against unauthorized access to internal network resources or sensitive data. By providing a virtual environment with a vulnerable application and its source code, this lab empowers developers to understand and address SSRF vulnerabilities effectively. Equip developers/engineers to identify and mitigate open redirect vulnerabilities in applications to prevent adversaries from redirecting users to malicious websites.

Course Details

Course Number: LAB 329
Course Duration: 15 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.3

NICE Specialty Areas


Available Languages

  • English