LAB 333 – Defending Go Applications Against Hard-coded Credentials (NEW)

Course Overview

Hard-coded Credentials vulnerabilities occur when authentication credentials are embedded directly into the application’s source code rather than being securely stored in a credential store. This practice, while convenient, exposes sensitive information to potential compromise, as attackers can easily extract these credentials from the codebase. In this lab, learners will immerse themselves in practical exercises to identify and mitigate such vulnerabilities. By delving into real-world scenarios, participants will grasp the gravity of this security risk and understand the importance of adopting secure authentication practices. Upon completing this lab, learners will emerge equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify and remediate hard-coded credentials vulnerabilities in Go applications effectively.

Course Details

Course Number: LAB 333
Course Duration: 15 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.3

NICE Specialty Areas


Available Languages

  • English