LAB 307 – Defending C# Applications Against Weak Password Reset

Course Overview

Weak Password Reset vulnerabilities can occur when an application provides a password reset or recovery feature that attackers can exploit to take over user accounts. This issue is often caused by using easy-to-answer questions to verify the user’s identity during the password reset process. The best solution to this problem is to use multi-factor or out-of-band authentication for password reset functionality. This Skill Lab provides C# developers with a virtual environment that contains a vulnerable application with its complete source code, training developers to identify and remediate Weak Password Reset vulnerabilities.

After completing this lab, the learner will understand how to defend C# applications against weak password reset vulnerabilities and receive hands-on experience implementing effective mitigations. This includes testing for weak password reset vulnerabilities and implementing appropriate mitigations, such as using multi-factor or out-of-band authentication.
Upon successful completion of this course, you should have the knowledge and skills required to understand:

  • Core concepts of application security risk management
  • Why developing secure applications matters
  • The importance of meeting regulatory compliance requirements
  • Anatomy of an application attack and what motivates hackers.
  • Common attack scenarios and how to manage vulnerabilities.
  • Best practices for developing secure applications.

Course Details

Course Number: LAB 307
Course Duration: 5 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.25

NICE Specialty Areas


Available Languages

  • English