LAB 622 – ATT&CK: Exploiting Windows File Sharing Server with External Remote Services

Course Overview

The Exploitation of Remote Services technique refers to exploiting a vulnerability that is present in an online service provided by a target system. One of the defining characteristics of this technique is that the attacker has network access to the vulnerable service, either by the virtue of this service being exposed to a public network or because the attacker has already penetrated the network that the service is available on.

The objective of this lab is to execute the Exploitation of Remote Services ATT&CK technique. To complete the lab, you will need to answer a question about a secret that you discover by successfully executing the appropriate ATT&CK technique.

Course Details

Course Number: LAB 622
Course Duration: 20 minutes
Course CPE Credits: 0.5

NICE Specialty Areas

Available Languages

  • English